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Piu is a vocalist, composer, and producer who adorns ambient soundscapes with hard hitting synth riffs, vocals, and global rhythms. Her sound blends genres, cultures, and identities—a reflection of how she moves in the world. Having released 7 singles, Piu will be releasing her debut album in 2024. She also has ongoing collaborations with musicians worldwide.



Pachena Bay is located 5 kms south of Bamfield, BC,

on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.


We recognize the Huu-ay-aht First Nations sovereignty and authority over their ḥahuułi [ha-houlthee] (territory), we honour their cultural heritage and tradition, and we give thanks to their Chiefs, their Council, and each of their members, with particularly deep gratitude to the the beach keepers of Pachena Bay, for allowing us to spend time learning, being, and playing on their sacred land at Pachena Bay.

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