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Sarah Orton

Sarah’s early exposure to mainstream pop music as a child of the 90s, the blues and rock'n'roll cassette tapes on rotation in the FordBronco driven by her hippy parents, and her enigmatic Russian Doukhobor ancestry—a heritage preserved through psalm singing— allhad a significant impact in shaping her musical journey. Developing singing and performance for her as a profoundly spiritual and creativeform of expression.

Because of this, she has forged varying paths in the music industry as a versatile and dynamic vocalist, songwriter, nascent producer, anddiverse collaborator. All while working as a remote voice actor in between. Some of the fruits of her labor can be heard in her original alt-soul 5-piece outfit Penny Shades with whom they released a self-produced 4-track FACTOR-funded EP, with performances at Kaslo JazzEtc. Music Festival and Nelson International Music Festival last summer. They recorded a new EP in July 2023 at Propel Studios in Kaslowith the support of Creative BC and will be releasing this Fall 2023 and throughout 2024.

Some of Orton’s most recent singing can be heard on nationally renowned electro-folk act Moontricks latest album ‘Currents’ with whomshe also tours as a backup and feature vocalist on select dates: Headlining numerous music festivals and sold-out venues in WesternCanada, such as the legendary Commodore Ballroom, Shambhala Music Festival, Constellation Festival, and Rifflandia.

Exploring the depths of her musicianship through her solo project, Ortons next tracks produced with Sam Ryan, SOS Music is ananticipated soulful pop adventure that will all be released by the end of the year. Her first track 'You' earned her Music BC's spotlight artistof the week, a highlight in Women In Music's e-letter, and a spot on Exclaims Eh List Canada's best new music Spotify Playlist.

Sarah Orton


Pachena Bay is located 5 kms south of Bamfield, BC,

on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.


We recognize the Huu-ay-aht First Nations sovereignty and authority over their ḥahuułi [ha-houlthee] (territory), we honour their cultural heritage and tradition, and we give thanks to their Chiefs, their Council, and each of their members, with particularly deep gratitude to the the beach keepers of Pachena Bay, for allowing us to spend time learning, being, and playing on their sacred land at Pachena Bay.

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