Space Junk Removal Service
Step Carruthers, Simon Davies and Bobby Herron have been making music for decades in various projects, exploring world, reggae, hip hop, indie rock, art rock and more. They're in it for the musical adventures. Their live show is energetic, sometimes quirky and always full of musical fun and surprises. Between them, the three removers have hundreds of live performances behind them. Step's keyboard,loop and Ableton wizardry is dazzling. Simon's funky, solid, wickedly in-the-pocket bass goes right for the solar plexus. Bobby's guitar work is all about the rhythm, reflecting his long background in world, reggae, ska, indie rock and other styles. He also puts the guitar down for a few tunes and lays down live beats
on the drums. In 2023, Space Junk Removal Service recorded their 7 song debut album - Critically Reclaimed at Hidden Well Studio with the incredible Corwin Fox at the controls. One of the tracks on the album features the Valley Edge Choir recorded at the Weird Church, a community space, arts venue. They continue to develop the SJRS sound in their secret laboratory in their home town - Cumberland BC. ”