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Voice play with Willow & Tsimka🌿

Willow is a vocalist and tinkerer of sound. Willow enjoys experimenting and jamming regularly as part of her practice. Tsimka is a home-based Nuučaanuł singer and collaborative music maker who also loves experimenting.

Story: Tsimka met Willow in Nanaimo, Snuneymuxw country, in 2023. “We would have vocal musical sessions together, thereby lifting each other’s spirits and getting to a giddy, good-time place of expression.

You are invited to join us in a playful vocal adventure. We are excited to magnify what we do together, and to add enough structure for a group to work together, while also keeping space for emergent play. Join us for a playful inquiry into voice, listening, harmony, and improvisation. No vocal experience necessary. Warning: This may prime you for singing all night.

Voice play with Willow & Tsimka🌿


Pachena Bay is located 5 kms south of Bamfield, BC,

on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.


We recognize the Huu-ay-aht First Nations sovereignty and authority over their ḥahuułi [ha-houlthee] (territory), we honour their cultural heritage and tradition, and we give thanks to their Chiefs, their Council, and each of their members, with particularly deep gratitude to the the beach keepers of Pachena Bay, for allowing us to spend time learning, being, and playing on their sacred land at Pachena Bay.

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