The best route in is via Port Alberni on the Bamfield Road. Getting here is a huge part of the fun and it is so worth it! Traversing oceans, rivers, backroads, air are all options for your choice of travel. You could see cougars, bears, or orca, oh my! You will also get to view some of the extreme beauty as well as development and devastation in the outer regions of Vancouver Island. Bottom line is that Pachena Bay, a world class destination, and the magic of our festival, is worth the trip and a little planning. We have made connections to some of the alternate options for travel and have listed information for your ease.
Please plan for a well organized trip here and home. Bring a spare tire, and the tools to change it if needed. Make sure that your vehicle is in good maintenance and condition to do the backroad trek to Anacla. Consider your options and ensure that you have a well rested, sober driver and co-pilot designated for your drive each way.
There is also some great information about getting here on the Visit Bamfield website. ​
By Transit
From North Vancouver Island to Bamfield
From South Vancouver Island to Bamfield
Code of the Road
Visit WFP Road Info for Bamfield for road conditions before you leave for your trip. They also have current info at WFP Road Info Twitter & WFP Road Info Facebook.
There is little cell service, so take a radio if you have one.
Please be prepared with a sober and well rested driver.
Drive with extreme caution and expect logging or road haul trucks around every corner.
Speed should not exceed 60 km per hour, and drivers are required to slow down when construction equipment, flaggers, and crews are on the road.
If someone is behind you, let them pass.
Drive with your headlights on.
Drive in 4 wheel drive if you need it.
If someone looks like they are struggling or stranded, offer help.
From Nanaimo
Travel north on the #1 Island Highway. Turn right at the Highway #4 exit for Port Alberni/Bamfield. Approaching Port Alberni, follow signs for Bamfield and the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. After you leave Port Alberni you travel on a chip sealed logging road that is approximately 76 kms. Visit Western Forest Products Facebook page for current logging road conditions. Follow the signs to Bamfield.
Total travel time from Nanaimo is ~ 3 hours.
from Victoria
Travel north on the #1 Island Highway to Nanaimo, then follow the directions as above.
Total travel time from Victoria is ~ 4.5 hours.​
Alternatively you you can turn left at Highway 18 and travel west towards Youbou, then Nitinat Road to South Road (8km); left onto Flora Main for 13km; Central Main for 17km; Right onto Klanawa Main, Left at Between the Lakes and turn Left onto Bamfield Main Line and follow the signs to Bamfield.
From Vancouver
There are three major ferry routes between the mainland and Vancouver Island. The Horseshoe Bay (West Vancouver) to Departure Bay, Nanaimo is the closest route if you plan to drive direct to Bamfield, the route through Port Alberni is advisable. For schedules and prices visit BC Ferries.
From Seattle
From Port Angeles
Passenger Ferry, Port Alberni to Bamfield
Take a passenger ferry from Port Alberni to Bamfield. The trip to Bamfield via the M.V. Frances Barkley from Port Alberni takes about four and a half hours. Check schedules at LadyRoseMarine.com
Private Boat
If you’re looking to travel by sea in a private boat, there are public docks and marinas available for public use.
The Bamfield East Dock provides approximately 850 ft. of safe, year-round moorage. There is dock lighting and garbage facilities now available with upgrades of water and power in the near future. The dock is located close to grocery and liquor stores, ice and a café.
The Harbour Authority dock in East Bamfield, also known as the fisherman’s dock, offers public moorage and reservations are recommended during the summer. The contact number is 250-720-7548.
The West Government Dock offers limited moorage for recreational boats, and a dock is available in front of the Bamfield Mercantile & Marine store, right next to the little west government dock. It is mostly private, but offers short term parking for store use.
Moorage is available at the docks of Upnit Lodge and Awis Guesthouse. Gas is available at Upnit, Harbourside Lodge and McKay Bay Lodge.
Charter Seaplane Flights
From Seattle to Bamfield
Or Call 800-690-0086
Chartering the aircraft allows you to leave on your schedule.
From Nanaimo to Bamfield
Or Call 855-933-5922
From Seattle to Victoria
Or Call 866-435-9524
Towing & Auto Services
Breakers Marine (Bamfield & Port Alberni) 250-728-3281
Alberni Mobile Mechanic Phone: 250-913-2200
Good Shepherd Auto Towing, Port Alberni (250) 248-3110
Twin City Towing, Port Alberni (250) 723-5023
Action Towing, Port Alberni (250) 735-7994
End of the road towing, Lake Cowichan (250) 466-5709